UPM papers part of the winning formula

Archive 28.9.2010 0:00 EEST

(UPM, Helsinki, 23 September 2010 at 15:00) – The WAN-IFRA International Newspaper Color Quality Club membership winners for the years 2010-2012 have been chosen.

According to the global organisation of the world's newspapers and news publishers 109 different titles achieved the membership this time. Out of these the 109 titles 31 were printed on UPM paper. This makes UPM the largest paper supplier in the competition.

Altogether 162 titles were competing for the membership. During the four months evaluation period the successful newspaper titles demonstrated their capacity to produce quality print products in accordance with the demanding ISO standards. Membership requires reliably reproduced colour images and advertisement contents consistently, worldwide, and with the intended colour effect.

According to WAN-IFRA the International Color Quality Club quality initiative helps ensure that the reader receives an attractive, high-quality product and the advertiser an outstanding advertising carrier. Paper plays a significant role in the newspaper quality and is also an important factor influencing the character of the newspaper. UPM encourages interactive communication with its customers and partners in order to enable best quality printed products.

"UPM wants to congratulate all winners, and is especially proud to be the supplier of so many successful titles," says Erik Ohls, Director, Technical Sales at UPM Paper Business Group.

The award ceremony will take place at IFRA Expo 2010 in Hamburg in October. List of the winning titles printed on UPM paper is enclosed.

For further information please contact:
Mr Erik Ohls, Technical Sales Director, UPM, Paper Business Group, tel. +358 20 415 0442


The International Color Quality Club winning titles printed on UPM paper:

Aichacher Zeitung, Mayer & Söhne Druck- & Mediengruppe GmbH, Aichach, Germany
Allgäuer Zeitung, Allgäuer Zeitungsverlag GmbH, Kempten, Germany
Augsburger Allgemeine, Presse-Druck- und Verlags-GmbH, Augsburg, Germany

Badische Zeitung, Freiburger Druck GmbH + Co. KG, Freiburg, Germany
Berner Zeitung Büchler-Grafino AG Druckzentrum Bern, Bern, Switzerland
Bresciaoggi, Edizioni Brescia S.p.a., Brescia, Italy

Deister- und Weserzeitung, DeWeZet - Deister- & Weserzeitung Verlagsges, Hameln, Germany
Der Sonntag, Freiburger Druck GmbH + Co. KG, Freiburg, Germany
Dolomiten, Athesia Druck GmbH, Bozen, Italien

Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, FAZ -Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH, Germany
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung FAZ -Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH, Potsdam, Germany

Helsingin Sanomat, Sanomala Oy, Vantaa, Finland
HINDI HINDUSTAN, HT Media Limited, Greater Noida, India
HINDUSTAN TIMES, HT Media Limited, Mumbai, India

Il Giornale di Vicenza, Società Athesis S.p.a., Vicenza, Italy
Il Sole 24 Ore, Il Sole 24 ORE Spa – Editrice, Milano, Italy

Kauppalehti, Kustannus Oy Aamulehti, Helsinki, Finland

L'Arena, Società Athesis S.p.a., Verona, Italy
La Stampa, Editrice La Stampa Spa, Torino, Italy

Mid Day, Mid-Day Multimedia Ltd Rabale, Navi, Mumbai, India
MINT, HT Media Limited, Noida, India

Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Neue Zürcher Zeitung AG, Zürich-Schlieren, Switzerland
Nordkurier, Nordost-Druck GmbH & Co. KG, Neubrandenburg, Germany
Nürnberger Nachrichten, Verlag Nürnberger Presse Druckhaus Nürnberg, Nürnberg, Germany
Nürnberger Zeitung, Verlag Nürnberger Presse Druckhaus Nürnberg, Nürnberg, Germany

OÖNachrichten, OÖN Druckzentrum GmbH & Co KG, Pasching, Austria

STUDIO, Vjesnik d.d., Zagreb, Croatia

Tages – Anzeiger, Tamedia AG, Zürich, Switzerland

Westdeutsche Zeitung, Rheinisch-Bergische Druckerei GmbH & Co. KG, Wuppertal, Germany
Wetzlarer Neue Zeitung, Wetzlardruck GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany
Wilhelmshavener Zeitung, Brune-Mettcker Druck- und Verlags GmbH, Wilhelmshaven, Germany