Environmental report covering UPM's paper and pulp mills published

Archive 25.7.2007 0:00 EEST

(UPM, Helsinki, July 25, 2007 at 17:00) - The first joint environmental report covering all UPM's paper and pulp mills has been published. In addition to the common part including general information, each mill will publish a short supplement with mill-specific data. The two parts (common part and mill supplement) together, form the environmental statement of the mill in question.

The statements of most of UPM's European mills have been verified according to the EMAS scheme. The environmental statements of UPM's paper mills in North America have been verified by an external auditor.

The joint environmental report as well as the mill specific supplements are available on www.upm-kymmene.com => Environment and CSR => Publications => Environmental Statements.