UPM will build a sludge boiler at its Shotton mill in North Wales, to combust all sludge produced from its recovered paper recycling process. To support the combustion of the mill sludge, biomass fuels will be co-combusted. The total investment cost is EUR 75 million (51.7 M£). The project has been given EUR 15 million (10.6 M£) of grant aid under the UK Government's Waste and Resources Action Programme. The sludge boiler will start-up by the end of November, 2006.
The investment will also increase UPM Shotton's self-sufficiency in heat by up to 90-95 per cent and in power by up to 25 percent. In addition, UPM's carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced by 30,000 tonnes annually.
UPM Shotton's production capacity is 500,000 tonnes newsprint based solely on recovered paper. The mill's processing capacity is some 700,000 tonnes of recovered paper annually.
For further information, please contact:
Ms. Anja Silvennoinen, Vice President, UPM Energy, tel. +359 204 15 0733
Mr. David Ingham, Vice President and General Manager, UPM, Shotton,
tel. +44 (0)1244 28 4407
Corporate Communications
December 16, 2004