UPM to donate a magazine subscription to the Finnish 5th grades for 2006

Archive 15.11.2005 0:00 EET

UPM, the world's largest magazine paper producer, will donate a magazine subscription to all Finnish 5th grades participating in the National Magazine Day, an effort organised by the Finnish Periodical Publishers' Association. The effort, which UPM has supported for several years, is designed to encourage reading among children and young people.

Magazine readership in Finland has increased in the last few years. According to research conducted by the association, magazines reach 12-to-19-year-olds very well.
New magazines are being launched constantly around the world. Magazine publishers respond to the changing interests of the readers by focusing magazines to smaller target groups. The selection of new magazines includes particularly special interest magazines and lifestyle magazines. At the same time magazine lifecycles have shortened.

The National Magazine Day is celebrated in Finland for the tenth time. This year, almost 3000 comprehensive schools, high schools and other educational institutions participated in the event.

For more information, please contact:
Ms Pirkko Harrela, Executive Vice President, Corporate Communications, tel. +358204 15 0588

Corporate Communications
November 15, 2005